What are the payments terms?

We pay on 45 day net meaning if you start monetising in January, January's earnings will be paid on the 15th March, ensuring that you are paid 45 days after the end of the month.

How easy is it to put search into my extensions?

The process is very straight forward and we will send you full instructions on how to get up and running.

Do you require a minimum amount of searches before being able to partner with you?

We require a minimum of 1000 searches per day to be suitable for monetisation.

How do I update the search feature?

We will provide you with full instructions on how to place our coding into your extension or website and the steps to follow to approval before beginning monetisation.

Is it correct that you will redirect a user's search engine query to Bing?


What do you need from me to get started?

We will need you to review our Insertion Order, provide your company details, payment details and sign our agreement before we proceed.

I want to try it so what do I need to do now?

We will need you to review our Insertion Order, provide your company details, payment details and sign our agreement before we proceed.

Do you pay publishers upfront?

We don’t pay publishers up front. You will receive logins to view your daily stats and revenue and we will advise you of your next payment date.

Can you share some extensions already using your product?

Due to our privacy agreement with publishers, we cannot share their products with you however we do have our own examples we can show you.

Does this work in any country?

It depends what country you are in. It will only work redirecting to Bing if you are in a monetisable country. Try using a US VPN.

Do you have a start page we can test?

We can provide you with demo coding to test the product out before proceeding with your own extension or website.

Do you have a start page we can test?

We can provide you with demo coding to test the product out before proceeding with your own extension or website.

What revenue share do you work on with your publishers?

We pay 80% Rev Share to our publishers.

How is the revenue of this calculated?

Revenue is based on the activity level of users on your extension or website and which country they are online.

Although it sounds tempting, I don't think our extension can be monetised in any way?

We can monetise any Chrome extension or website with our simple update.

I have 40K+ users but all users are not from the USA or Europe. Is this a problem?

No necessarily. The more active users you have in the higher paying Geo’s - US, UK, Canada and NZ, the more revenue you will make but if you have active users in Europe too that can always be good.

Considering the requirements of this addition, wouldn't this update be in violation of Chrome Store policies?

No we constantly see publishers have search approved on their extension.

What is involved and how would “bing search” integrate into my extensions functionality?

We integrate Bing search into your extension with a simple update to the manifest.json file.
